仕 様; The Nike Zoom LJ 4 is designed for the serious long jump and pole vault athlete looking for the latest in jumping technology. No-sew synthetic leather midfoot provides lightweight, structured support.A forefoot lockdown strap and zippered shroud deliver a snug, secure fit.Hard-density EVA wedge adds durable cushioning.3/4-length Phylon plate with seven replaceable spikes gives powerful traction.Forefoot plate features dynamic flex for a more natural foot plant on takeoff.Includes 1/4" pyramid spikes and a wrench.Wt. 8.2 oz.
オレンジ(ブライトマンゴーBright Mango );28.5cm
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仕 様; The Nike Zoom LJ 4 is designed for the serious long jump and pole vault athlete looking for the latest in jumping technology. No-sew synthetic leather midfoot provides lightweight, structured support.A forefoot lockdown strap and zippered shroud deliver a snug, secure fit.Hard-density EVA wedge adds durable cushioning.3/4-length Phylon plate with seven replaceable spikes gives powerful traction.Forefoot plate features dynamic flex for a more natural foot plant on takeoff.Includes 1/4" pyramid spikes and a wrench.Wt. 8.2 oz.